Mr. Galilean

Each year, two boys who attend National Galilean Camp receive recognition for their outstanding achievements in Galileans. One boy, age nine to twelve, is named Mr. Galilean Junior; another, age thirteen to eighteen, is chosen Mr. Galilean Senior.


To be eligible for Mr. Galilean Senior or Junior each boy must be a believer and must make at least one step advancement within the previous calendar year’s work.

Point System

In order to allow each boy an equal chance to win one of the awards, a point system by which to determine the winner has been adopted. The system is based upon points earned in one year.

Points are earned as follows:

  • Advancement: Five points per each step – with a minimum of one step completed – during the last calendar year
  • Attitude: Up to five points
  • Dedication: Up to five points
  • Promptness: Up to five points
  • Effort: Up to five points
  • National Camp Attendance: Ten points
  • State Meeting Attendance: Five points (up to ten possible)
  • District Meeting Attendance: Five points (up to ten possible)
  • Local Meetings: One half point for each meeting (26 points possible)*
  • Personal Interview and Conduct at National Camp: Up to twenty points

*In the case that your local group does not meet every week of the year, an accepted practice for attendance would be to subtract the number of times the boy had an unexcused absence from a scheduled local Galilean meeting – from the number 52.  Example:  52 – (4 absences) = 48  :  48 X .5 = 24 points.

An excused absence would include activities that would fulfill stepwork obligations such as visiting the sick or shut-in, volunteering, assisting in church related activities, etc.

In case of a tie, one point will be added for each Sunday the boy has attended Sunday school during the year. If there is still a tie, one point will be added for each Sunday the boy has attended a Christian Growth Ministry during the year.

The Galilean Leader will be responsible for keeping accurate records of each boy’s attendance in Galilean meetings, Sunday School and a Christian Growth Ministry. He should also be prepared to report on each boy’s faithfulness in other areas mentioned in the point system.

Nominees at National Galilean Camp should have been nominated by their state Galileans. Nominees for state level Mr. Galilean should have been nominated by their district Galileans. Nominees for district Mr. Galilean should have been nominated by their local church Galileans.

  • No boy should stand as a nominee for Mr. Galilean at the same level for two consecutive years.
  • A boy may be nominated for Mr. Galilean Jr. one year and then nominated for Mr. Galilean Senior the following year.

Committee of Review

The Committee of Review will interview each boy who is being considered as a possible candidate for Mr. Galilean at the local, district, state and national levels. The local Committee of Review will be made up of three men from your church. The committee will ask each boy five questions and each member of the committee will score him on the basis of 1-4 as he responds. Each boy can receive up to 20 points on the personal interview.

Here is an example of how the scoring of the committee might be and how a total score should be determined.

Score Sheet Example – Coming soon

The Galilean’s total score from the interview would be determined by averaging the three scores. (16+14+15=45; 45/3=15). His score is 15.

To determine your local Mr. Galilean Jr. and Senior, add the total score from the interview to the total from the score sheet. The boy age 9-12 with the highest score is your Mr. Galilean Jr. The boy age 13-18 with the highest score is your Mr. Galilean Senior. (If there should be a tie then the Grand Total from the score sheet will be used instead of the TOTAL).

The questions used by the Committee of Review may be selected from the sample questions that can be downloaded below. However, they may also be taken from the material that the Galilean has studied.

Download the Mr. Galilean Scoresheet